魔镜歌词网 > 女生歌手 > 张靓颖 > Past Progressive > Fighting Shadows(ft.Big Sean)




Fighting Shadows(ft.Big Sean)

作词:Jane Zhang
作曲:King Logan

No more running
We are on the edge of what could be the end

Don't come any closer to me
I guarantee you that's not what you want
I'm sure you thought that I would just lay down
But you were wrong

Give me all you got, don't hold nothin' back
Promise you you're gonna need it
Take your best shot, I'll just give it back
I'm on the winning side, we won't be defeated
I'm not afraid to die cause life is a battle
And fighting me, it'll be like fighting shadows

No surrender
I know how this ends, have been there
And it doesn't look good for you

Don't come any closer to me
I guarantee you that's not what you want
I'm sure you thought that I would just lay down
But you were wrong

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Give me all you got, don't hold nothin' back
Promise you you're gonna need it
Take your best shot, I'll just give it back
I'm on the winning side, we won't be defeated
I'm not afraid to die cause life is a battle
And fighting me, it'll be like fighting shadows

It's all about survival, I'm doin' whatever's liable
To spend a day and a night with me, prolly could write a novel
I'm goin' through Hell and back so every room got a Bible
My enemies and my rivals is prolly within a mile
I'm ready
They want me to lay down or stay down but that ain't my fate now
I'm a hundred percent if you're testin' my faith
That I'm from a city where war is a playground
I've been livin' right and wrong, honestly it's just so much to say
But only God can judge me, if I die today it's judgement day, straight up

Give me all you got, don't hold nothin' back
Promise you you're gonna need it
Take your best shot, I'll just give it back
I'm on the winning side, we won't be defeated
I'm not afraid to die cause life is a battle
And fighting me, it'll be like fighting shadows

> 云边有个小卖部
> 程霜
> 万语千言
> 等一等
> 独自绽放
> 双关
> 星愿
> 与爱
> 如幻
> 伴我
> 伴你月落星沉
> 从心
> 星光
> 轻轻
> 潮光
> 是你
> 一圈
> 最初的爱
> 念念不忘
> 偏星
> 不惜时光
> 暗恋
> 一生一次心一动
> 世界是我们
> 永生永爱
> 天堂旅行团
> 最可爱的人
> 无忘
> 绽放美妙惊喜
> U&I
> 约定
> 越爱
> 电视剧 有翡
> 谁知道
> 千百度
> Dear Jane II
> 致我们终将逝去的青春(2020重唱版)
> 蝴蝶飓风
> 幻纱之灵
> 星途
> 一心一爱
> 电视剧 宸汐缘女主情感
> 动画剧 灵龙
> 电视剧 筑梦情缘
> Past Progressive
> 相约世界
> 电影 神探蒲松龄
> 跟着感觉走
> 快乐颂
> 古风品质大剧 将夜
> Adam and Eve
> 音乐剧 爱在星光里
> 电视剧 古剑奇谭2
> 电影 爵迹2
> 依赖
> make it big
> 电影 万物生长片尾
> 贪恋
> 好心情
> Lady Killer
> 红蔷薇
> 女儿国
> Work for It
> 做回自己
> 心电感应808 - Jack Novak Remix
> Angels And Harmony
> 十里桃花
> 电视 醉玲珑
> 请让爱情相信你
> Amazing
> 电影 夜宴
> 思美人
> 电影 游戏规则
> 领衔主演
> 电视 鬼吹灯之精绝古城
> 电视 咱们相爱吧
> 后天
> Dust my shoulders off
> 上海迪士尼开园盛典
> 童谣
> 心电感应808
> 广告 华为Huawei
> 电影魔鬼终结者 5
> Could You Stay With Me
> 转眼一生 转身一世
> 燕归巢
> 离歌
> 电视剧 武媚娘传奇
> 第七感
> 电视剧 咱们结婚吧
> 感谢(EP)
> 秋意浓
> 倾听 张靓颖
> 无价之宝
> 妈妈咪呀 Mamma Mia!
> 改变
> 我相信(旗舰版)
> 我相信“勇敢爱”国际特别版
> 我相信
> 木兰星
> 张靓颖@音乐
> 花开的声音
> 电影 画皮
> I Love This City
> 2008奥运歌曲
> Dear Jane
> Update
> 我们说好的
> The One
> 我爱邓丽君
> Jane·梦想
> Jane爱(EP)
> Open Up Your Dream
> 印象海南岛
> 暂存